
TERRAWOOD specializes in: in the production of wooden modular terraces for mobile homes.


Thanks to TERRAWOOD terraces you can significantly expand the relaxation area of your mobile home.

TERRAWOOD specializes in: in the production of wooden modular terraces for mobile homes.


Thanks to TERRAWOOD terraces you can significantly expand the relaxation area of your mobile home.

We offer professional terraces adapted to all types of mobile homes that you can easily modify.
All terraces that we offer are produced in Poland from pine wood in class I, II, IV and III (durability of wood and wood-based materials in accordance with the standard PN-EN 335).
Our terraces are made of planed wood and undergo a process of drying in drying chambers (according to EU standards) they are also impregnated in pressurized autoclaves (according to EU standards). We use pine and spruce wood from Sweden and Finland to produce our terraces and pine wood from Poland, Lithuania and Estonia. TERRAWOOD cares about the environment, that’s why the material used to produce our terraces is FSC certified.

w zgodzie z naturą


Very short assembly time of a terrace.
The installation time of a terrace at the Customer’s site is only 5-6 hours.
Our terraces are pre-assembled and cut to size at our production hall, what makes the assembly time at site very short. Moreover, there are no mess resulting from cutting wooden beams at Client property.
We are keeping order during work what limit possible devastation of plants

Professional preparation of wood for a terrace.
Preparation of material for a terrace is done through the wood planing process, then chamber drying process and vacuum-pressure impregnation (all processes according to EU standards).
During chamber drying, mold and fungus spores are killed, which in combination with pressure impregnation with usage of appropriate agents protects wood against biological corrosion and fire.

All screws and bolts used by Terrawood are galvanized to class C4.
We use screws that are galvanized and non-corrosive ones (wood screws, Torx socket). The screws are covered with a layer of yellow zinc and have a CE certificate.

Usage of granulated rubber pads under joist elements.
Thanks to granulated rubber underlays placed between the terrace supports and paving slabs we insulate our terrace from moisture. Additionally, rubber pads reduce vibrations of the terrace.

To assemble the terrace without any problems, the minimum height required from the ground level to the bottom edge of the mobile home should be min. 1,5 ft.

Current terraces prices are available at our website:
Our terraces are sold in light green color (the natural color after pressure impregnation).

Dimensions of TERRAWOOD terraces

Our terraces are 2.5 m wide and have a length that the customer can define as 1.2 m times
i.e.: 3.6 m; 4.8 m; 6.0 m; 7.2 m; 8.4 m; 9.6 m; 10.8 m etc., which can be freely configured.



Promocyjna cena montażu obejmuje:

• transport tarasu do Klienta na terenie Polski
• montaż tarasu u Klienta (teren musi być wyrównany tzn. może być pochylony, ale powinien być równy)
• wypoziomowanie tarasu (w razie potrzeby zastosowanie wsporników tarasowych służących do wypoziomowania tarasu


Klient powinien zaopatrzyć się w płyty chodnikowe potrzebne do ułożenia pod stopy tarasu. W kwestii ilości płyt chodnikowych prosimy o kontakt z naszym biurem handlowym.
Świadcząc naszą usługę szanujemy czas i potrzeby naszego Klienta, dlatego oferowany przez fi rmę TERRAWOOD taras dostarczany jest i całkowicie montowany u naszego Klienta w ciągu ok. 5-6 godzin, po wcześniejszym ustaleniu dogodnego terminu wykonania prac.

Important !

NOTE: Customer should purchase the paving slabs needed to be laid under the feet of the terrace.
Regarding the number of paving slabs, please contact our sales office.
When providing our service, we respect the time and needs of our Client, that’s why terrace delivered by
TERRAWOOD is completely assembled at our Client’s place within approx. 6-7 hours, after prior notice determining a convenient date for carrying out the work

Entity responsible:
Szymon Zwada
ul. Rolna 9
62-080 Sady k/Poznania
Phone nr. 07871274597
VAT Number PL7821311940 - tworzenie stron internetowych